Cabinets and furniture industry

"Quality Policy"

Kabineat Industrial Company and Belljok Furniture Company are active in the field of furniture manufacturing and producing the following items as their goals and objectives:
1. The main goal of this company is to increase the level of customer satisfaction, because it considers the organization's survival to be in line with this principle.
2. Personnel and colleagues are our capital and support. Therefore, continuous education, motivation and promotion of their skills and knowledge are the main tools for the success of the organization.
3. The evolution of technology teaches us that we need to move with the technology of the day so that in all activities of the organization we are going to reach the industry of our mother.
4. Continuous improvement of all activities of the organization as the main strategy in all activities related to quality is considered.
To meet the above mentioned issues, the quality management system is in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 standard.Therefore, we hope that the honest staff of the organization, with the full understanding of the above, will observe and apply them in all their activities.Therefore, all the personnel of the company, in addition to performing their respective duties as a member of the company's quality management system, are also considered to be responsible for familiarizing and understanding the quality system, cooperating in its implementation, and observing its elements in related activities.
The responsibility for designing, deploying, directing and monitoring the good implementation of the quality management system and the use of all facilities of the company has been delegated to the full member of the management. Also, in order to fit the full quality policy with the company's activities at least six months, the quality policy will be reviewed and coordinated by the co-ordinator.
In order to determine the status of the organization to achieve the above outline, the quality objectives have been documented, which all respectable executives are required to report to the designated organizations.
I will also observe all the legal and regulatory requirements for the continuous pursuit of activities by assessing the quality management system at a fixed interval on its effectiveness and effectiveness, and in the absence of this, I will assume responsibility for the management of this task.

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