Using small and creative designs is a good way to develop employment and entrepreneurship. Today, our youth, after graduating from universities and institutions, are only thinking of a job and income to earn a living, years pass and our young people retire, while the entrepreneurial ideas of income generation are something that these days are rarely in the midst of Young people, especially educated people.
Of course, we do not want to diminish the role of capital in business creation; of course, a large part of the scarcity of entrepreneurial ideas comes to this. But, looking at the macro level, we see that resources are rich in our country, and if there is a problem, it is due to the inefficient distribution of resources, otherwise the capital needed for such businesses is enough.
Although capital plays a major role in setting up a job, this should not be a factor in not paying attention to entrepreneurship and job creation. The main issue is creativity in entrepreneurship, which is to expand work over time by developing creative ideas.
We need to support initiatives designed to create small business units so that we can provide employment opportunities for young people with careful planning and organizing so that we do not waste resources and time.
Therefore, success in business is never spontaneous or based on luck, and as stated, this success depends primarily on the organization and insight of the creative person. Of course, the role of knowledge and the speed of action should not be ignored, because the key to business success In this century, the speed of thought.

 so long live.

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